An example of building an onlineforecast model for forecasting of a single family house heat load. Weather forecasts of ambient temperature and solar radiation, together with a diurnal curve forms the input to the model - which is fitted adaptive in time (with RLS).
An example of building an onlineforecast model for forecasting of a solar power from a single site PV. The inputs are weather forecasts of solar radiation, going into the model conditional on the time of day, and fitted adaptive in time (with RLS).
An example of building an onlineforecast model for forecasting of domestic hot water in two settings. First the actual water first forecast the hourly average DHW flow to a multi-family building in Copenhagen, second, forecast the hourly heat load for DHW in single family buildings from Sønderborg.
An detailed step-by-step introduction to the methodology. A good example of the steps in the methodology applied in the onlineforecast package, thus very useful for understanding more in depth what goes on - and especially how a new fitting method can be implemented using the same framework.
An example of fitting an AR model on the residuals from the building load forecast model.

For a detailed introduction, see the vignettes. For an in-depth description, read onlineforecasting.